"Banha Electronics": are able to meet the needs of "education" tablets


Mohammed Abdul Jalil

Published on:
Friday, July 27, 2018 – 6:21 pm
| Last update:
Friday, July 27, 2018 – 6:21 pm

Dr. Hossam Hbadan, president of Banha Electronic Industries, said the company serves the armed forces sectors in parallel with the citizens' needs for civilian products, which necessitates the need to continually develop their products to keep abad of updates. During a meeting with the program "dmc evening" broadcast on Thursday on the satellite "dmc", the Ministry of Military Production and the Arab Organization for Industrialization were able to meet the needs of the Ministry of l & # 39; Education. And education. "

The production of faucet

It is mentioned that the Banha factory began in 1961, with the production of black and white television," In the civilian sector, explaining that the "l"; factory can now produce advanced generations of TVs.

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