Barcelona News: Malcolm officially joins, Chelsea sets Willian price required


Know the latest news of the Barcelona transfer market in the summer of 2018, between the official announcement of the agreement of the owners, Chelsea's determination for the Willian award and the struggle for include the jewel of Senegal

In front line, but also to strengthen the midfield and defense, especially with the departure of Captain Andres Iniesta.

The Catalan club places the replacement of Anista at the top of the promotion priorities and underlines Barcelona's desire to strengthen the team. An alternative game creator for the team and at the top of Chelsea's star interests

The line of defense needs another strong supporter to support Ometti with the age of Spades and the desire of the team to secure this sensitive center of the team, the defender of Seville Lenclitt is the player who was chosen for this role

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The Spanish newspaper "Sport" reports that Chelsea asks Barcelona 80 million euros to do without the services of star Willy for 80 million euros.

The newspaper confirms that the negotiations are still valid between the two clubs, but the Catalan club will refuse to pay In the player's services, which will end its 30th year in August.

The Blues have rejected the offer of Spain 's champions to join the player for 60 million euros, wanting to get a higher price to sell the player.

Barcelona star young man wants to leave

The young Barcelona star Dimpley wants to leave the team this summer.

Reports have confirmed that the French international wants to have a strong chance next season with his team, which he sees decrease with the Catalan club after the signing of the Brazilian Malcolm.

The 21-year-old joined Barcelona's summer but the player suffered an early injury and bad luck prevented him from participating for most of the season.

Officially – Barcelona snatches the jewel of Bordeaux from Rome at the last minute  Malcolm

Barcelona announced the signing of Malcolm de Oliveira de Bordeaux for 41 million euros, which was very close to joining the Italian capital Rome last night

The player will sign his contract with his new club for five years until the end of the season 2022-2023, After the Catalan club reached a final agreement with its French club

Rome announced to have reached an agreement to include Bordeaux, but the latter has stopped it. agreement at the last minute after the arrival of Barcelona to decide the final sale to the Spanish champion.

English to join the talented Senegalese

The newspaper "Le Soleil" reported

The newspaper confirmed that the French club does not want to sell the young player this summer, but that he may have to sell if he has a huge offer to join the player, specifying a minimum £ 50 million

. (19659005) The Barcelona striker prefers to stay in the team and not leave


The Spanish newspaper "Sport" confirmed that the Barcelona striker Paco Alcacer preferred to stay in the Spanish club, to approve a presentation of the offers coming from England

The newspaper added that the club Catalan has decided to keep the striker The club joins French star Antoine Grizmann of Atletico Madrid.

The 24-year-old has a strong interest in joining Everton, Southampton, who is struggling to book a key position in Barcelona.

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