Because of "Mortada Mansour" .. Stop the program of Abdel Nasser Zidan on "the event … Masrawy


because of "Mortada Mansour" .. Stop the program of Abdel Nbader Zidan on "the event today"


Saturday, July 07, 2018

Books – Mustafa Ali and Yusuf Afifi:

The Al-Hayat channel today issued a decision to arrest Abdel Nbader Zeidan, the presenter of our country's program for a week from Saturday and investigate what happened to him. The director of Al-Hadar Al-Youm chain, Lamarraoui, said that Zidane's Friday episode was being emptied and that Zamalek's president, Morteza Mansour, and the minister of Youth and Sports, Ashraf Subhi, had been raped. On Saturday, he notes the delinquency of the program on the content of the contract and its direction to the Zamalek Club deal With regard to the chain "Zidane" to the investigation for "Badr of the excesses on the l"; air in the episode of Friday ", and in case of violation is considered intentional damage to the chain requires the offender's liability with compensation.

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