Beheira governorate continues to fight the spread of snakes and reptiles


The engineer Nadia Abdu, governor of the Beheira, gave instructions to continue and intensify efforts to combat the spread of poisonous snakes and reptiles during the summer, particularly with a number of case of infection in the village of Menia al-Said.

A committee was formed from the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, which included the local unit, the Department of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, The Ministry of Health, environment and police services oversee the various sectors and is launching an awareness campaign so that people can act in such cases and provide anti-toxin serum in all village and health units. general hospital. Organize seminars for farmers on how to treat snake bites and instruct the Department of Environment of the governorate to launch a campaign in the region, clearing the Directorate of Agriculture, Drainage, Agriculture and Forestry. Irrigation, Drains, Banks and clean weeds in the area.
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