Benefits of Avocados for Muscle and Bodybuilding


News: Advantages of avocados for muscles and bodybuilders, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a website Information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive content of information on the Arab and international scene Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new in the arena political, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the benefits of advocates for muscle and bodybuilding,

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 04:05 News Some important information about the fruit of the avocado
1 – also called the gold button.

3. The native habitat of avocados is tropical America.
4. Avocados can be used as an appetizer, and can be added to various dishes of power.
5 – It can be applied topically to the skin or skin because it contains moisturizing materials for the skin, and maintains its freshness.

6 – can add to the lawyer different types of badtails or drink it as juice. The Nutritional Value of Avocados
An avocado fruit contains the following nutrients:
_ There are approximately 220 calories.
_ 20 grams of fat
_ Also contains 250 mg of potbadium.
_ There is 33 mg of magnesium.
_ Contains approximately 3 grams of dietary fiber.

Second: Advantages of the Bodybuilding Lawyer
1. Avocados contain a high protein content necessary for building muscle.
2. It has a high proportion of monounsaturated fats and beneficial fibers, which promotes testosterone production.

3. The avocado is used to increase muscle mbad and build it faster with exercise.

Advantages for the Public Health Advocate
Avocados contain many minerals, such as zinc, manganese, selenium and omega-3, making it a effective anti-inflammatory.

_ also contains high levels of antioxidants, the most important of which is beta-carotene, alvacarotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Protects the heart against strokes and keeps the heart healthy as it contains folic acid and vitamin B6 which regulates the level of amino acid.

_ Vitamin E is good for the health of the skin, which works to resist the appearance of wrinkles.
_ is an important source of antioxidants known as glutathione
_ contains glutathione that strengthens and strengthens the immune system.

_ Contains high proportions of zinc, copper and phosphorus, which helps to improve the mineral density of K bone, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

_ It has a high proportion of dietary fiber to double the amount contained in two apple fruits and these fibers act to control blood sugar and protect against the incidence of constipation and colon cancer.

_ Work to lower the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood
_ is an important source of phytochemicals known as beta-sitosterol.

_ High levels of lutein protect against the risk of many diseases, including:
1- Prostate cancer
2 – cataracts
3 – lesions of optic cells that cause blindness the elderly. _ Helps to promote liver work
_ Helps to get rid of waste in the intestines and to eliminate gases
_ Works to restore body cells
_ It is an effective sedative of nerves and works to reduce the
_ Promotes hair growth, moisturizes, and increases lactation.
_ Used to moisturize and nourish dry skin, and to protect against the harmful rays of the sun.
_ Reduce the risk of bad cancer because it contains on oleic acid
_ Very useful for thin patients where it works to gain weight effectively because of its high caloric calories .

News: Avocado Benefits For muscle and bodybuilding, we inform you of our news in full transparency and credibility, the benefits of avocados for muscles and bodybuilding, and do not forget to follow us on the pages of social networking of our site to bring you all the political, economic, technical and sports news Advantages of the advocate for muscle and bodybuilding

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