Benefits of cinnamon and ginger. Fight against insomnia


A 2010 study published in "bioorganic chemistry" revealed that cinnamon and ginger, which have soothing properties, combat insomnia and stress. The results of this study indicated that taking supplements containing cinnamon and ginger Can reduce the time it takes the body to get into sleep.

Daily Mail reports that nutrition expert Rick Hay explains that cinnamon nourishes the nervous system by cooling blood sugar levels, "It helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. type 2 They are from the point of view of the problem of insomnia, because often, if you wake up late at night, it may be due to hyperglycemia.

As for ginger, "the Ginger relaxes the stomach, In the treatment of stomach cramps, which is also a good tonic for the circulatory system and the nervous system. "

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Source: Citizen

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