Benefits of kiwi in diets and health


We show you the most important news in the following article:
The benefits of kiwifruit in diets and the health of the Sedti site, Friday, July 27, 2018.

The fruits of Kiwi help weight loss

The fruits of the kiwi fruit In the diet
The kiwifruit increases the absorption of digestion and aids in weight loss These fruits by potbadium which is designated in the combustion calories in the body. Kiwi prices are low, compared to those of these fruits with a good proportion of fibers which gives the body a feeling of satiety and reduces the contrast of binge eating. The kiwi is a natural laxative for the intestines, and the body detoxifies and detoxifies.

  Advantages of kiwifruit in diets and health

Advantages of fruits Kiwi Health and treatment
Decreases the proportion of fat Harmful in the body.
Contains anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in the treatment of colds, colds and sore throats.
stimulates the immune system, reduces the risk of disease,
Anemia is treated, it produces more red blood cells. It also protects arteries from rigidity.
Hydrates the skin, delays the appearance of wrinkles and protects skin cancer from its ability to rid the body of toxins. It also eliminates black spots on the skin. "height =" 450 "src =" "width =" 600 "/>

The nutritional value of kiwi sugars [19659023] was 10% by weight Kiwi with about 1% protein, as well as a good proportion of mineral salts, such as: Potbadium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. has the largest proportion of the composition of this fruit (80%), the fruit which is rich in vitamin "C", about 150 milligrams of it.

Total Calories [19655901] Calories Calories Carbohydrates = 58.64
Calories of fat = 4.68
(19659004) [4619012] The benefits of kiwi in diets and health "src = ""/>

Example of Diet Kiwi
Breakfast: Two kiwi fruits, [1909020]
Dinner: p Touch the kiwi fruit with a cup of yogurt, or three kiwi fruit with two cups of yogurt.

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