Beware of mayonnaise, that's what it does with the body


Beware of mayonnaise, that's what it does with the body.

Mayonnaise confers a special flavor to fast food, but in turn, you should eat it constantly to cause damage to your body.
Mayonnaise causes weight gain, it contains hard-to-burn fat, especially in the abdomen, where it helps store excess fat.

2 – Cholesterol
Mayonnaise contains fatty oils, causes high levels of cholesterol and low energy levels in the body.

3. Harmful to Pregnant Women
Pregnant women should avoid taking mayonnaise as it contributes to appetite and harms the health of mothers and children.

4- Increased risk of gastric ulcer
Too much mayonnaise, which causes an increase in stomach ulcers because of fat in the stomach.

5. High Blood Glucose
Eating an exceptional mayonnaise increases the level of sugar, which affects you and makes you feel weak.

6. Heart disease and cancer
Mayonnaise causes heart disease and cancer because it contains omega fatty acids.

7 – Harmful in case of diarrhea
In case of diarrhea, it is best to stay away from mayonnaise and high fat foods, as this increases "diarrhea" in case of diarrhea. 39; infection.

8. Infection of gout
Mayonnaise increases inflammation of the feet, due to its high sodium content.

9- Increases the pain of gallbladder sufferers
Mayonnaise increases the pain of vesicular patients because of its fat and sodium content.

10. Gastritis
The sodium found in mayonnaise is not good for the lining of the stomach, and also leads to inflammation.

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Source: The Times of the Levant

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