Block a gangster to steal bikes for 4 days


The Tukh prosecution decided to set up a "Tabouna" to steal the motorcycles with a delay of 4 days, and decided to badign a team of the Traffic Department to increase the number of motorcycles. chbadis and materiel footprint for each motorcycle.

Major General Alaa Farouk, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, was informed that a research team had been formed under the supervision of Brigadier General Hossam al-Husseini, Qalioubia Investigations Officer, and that the investigations had been conducted. The brigade is made up of three unemployed people, led by an unemployed person named Tabouna, who steal bicycles in front of houses, hospitals and government offices where the head of the formation removes the bicycle and directs it to the second and third.

The arrest of the accused, "Karim A" 21 years old and his fame "Tabouna" and "Adel Sh" 22 years old and "Rizk 41 years unemployed and facing the defendants confessed to forming a gang to steal motorcycles and admitted to 10 incidents of motorcycle theft in Banha and Tukh The store in which he is stolen And was detained.



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