"Bloody Moon" dazzles the world in the eclipse of the century


The moon entered the eclipse of the century wearing a red dress, seen in many countries around the world. The brightest moon observed stars in many parts of the world on Friday as it entered the Earth in the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

Cape of Good Hope in the Middle East The Kremlin at Sydney Harbor saw thousands of people see the moon, which darkened and became orange, brown and scarlet when she was penetrated the Earth

The total eclipse would take an hour, 42 minutes and 57 seconds but would be preceded by a lunar eclipse. Which means that the moon is for three hours and 54 minutes on the island

The complete eclipse occurred at 8:22 GMT and was observed in Europe, Russia, Africa, the Middle East , in Asia and Australia, although clouds have blocked the moon in some places.

Watch the eclipse of the Sydney Observatory before sunrise.

Mars is closer to Earth than in 2003, so some observers can see what appears to be a red-orange star that will actually be the red planet.

Robert Mbadey, deputy executive director of the British Royal Society said "It's a very unusual coincidence that a complete eclipse of the moon occurs while Mars is on the opposite side during the same night. "

For thousands of years, man has been looking in heaven for good or evil. But astronomers said that there was nothing to worry about. Eclipses are not visible in North America and much of the Pacific. It is expected that the next lunar eclipse will occur for the same period in 2123.

ع.خ / (Reuters)

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