Bold confessions: I lost my honor and my children


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He wrote:
I was in my twenties when I kidnapped my parents' knees, I was given a scholarship to complete my masters degrees in America. My mother advised me not to leave my prayer book or my carpet. I have always protected myself by recourse to God. I was born in a conservative environment.
I did not need a residence or a foreign nationality, but over time she managed to own me. I may have decided to leave the cocoon of innocence that I considered "naive" and to know myself as a woman. Life is in his eyes and, with time, the "freedom" that the "living" around him has enriched me. So we settled in a small apartment to live together without marriage.
My family, whom I was beginning to see retrograde, knew nothing of my life, I wore several masks every time I visited Egypt, called my family or met someone who knew me at the university. Until the day she said to me, "I'm pregnant." She was quite willing to abort the fetus, but I suddenly woke up to refuse to kill a spirit that is still in the invisible world. I only had the chance to marry him. Or an obstacle to the continuation of our married life .. Ahli announced that I would marry and that my wife is "Christian" and that I could convince them of their confidence It is my religion that what I do "Year" has already done to the Messenger of Allah. And that he may be convinced of Islam one day and that it is enough for their children to have the same religion.
Then I learned that my parents were not satisfied with me and that my mother was calling me to guide me. I was taken to a world far beyond what I thought. I loved the night after long days of work. I became addicted to alcohol. After having two children and went to school, she is bored and in need of change. The renewal of our lives, which turned into hell because of its intense nervousness, was aimed only at entering into a "collective badual relationship".
I saw my honor shine before my eyes and I just had to shut up. The laws that govern us strictly and the crime of beating the woman can put an end to my future. I have responded to the wishes of the abnormal and my conscience to bring my children back to my country and raise them at all costs.
I offered to separate and stay a couple for the sake of the children, and we maintain the "Foundation for Marriage", which means more for her that the common wealth and slices of the house than I do. I paid alone. I refused and I said that I wanted to visit my family, to deceive her until we arrived in Egypt.
Here, in my country, I convinced her that everything she had gathered during the years of exile would take her name, provided that we ended our life in Egypt. She reluctantly agreed and nested in my hometown, Alexandria. Because Alexandria is limited in the end, it did not bother me.
I listened to Arab and religious children, I chose schools that I did not go and I instilled in them Eastern values, but my return seemed to be late. My eldest daughter became a teenager and entered Cairo far from me. The youngest son was rebellious and nervous like my wife and companion. His new world.
At the time, I was busy reorganizing my professional life in Egypt, I was over 50 years old and I may have taken advantage of my busy work to attract my children into his clbad. .. and indeed I started to see a copy.
And once you rebadure my heart by telling me that I am on my country and that I judge different laws, customs and traditions that confer broad powers to the father. I was surprised by a short message from her office stating that she came back with "irreversible" children to America. And I only have to settle the divorce documents with his conditions His land!
I fell into a coma that lasted for days, I only felt at the hospital and there was a bar of my life in front of all my eye, my transformations, my submission, my submission and my concessions, with signs that the boys had changed and that they were refusing to study Arabic or religion. My son .. And this false badurance that I'm protected "in my country" .. I woke up suddenly to discover that ammunition of life was lost forever and that there was before me the loss of my life.
I am in a state of confusion and I am afraid to go to America to ask them even to give up my possessions there, in exchange for seeing my children meet me while preparing a "plot". I could enter a new labyrinth, even though I am an American citizen. I'm afraid to stay here. I have not been able to make a decision about this. I forced her to live in Egypt with a trick. She responded by stealing my children and they are my true wealth.
What do I do

I am dismayed by your reaction, it seems that you have not yet accepted, and you have not felt any real remorse for wasting your honor the day your wife had bad with another person in your presence !
If you already regret and fear the fate of your children, there is no reason to leave for the United States at any cost, even if you are in prison, especially if you have US citizenship, but you still expect advice as if you wanted to follow his actions and wear them as a result of his actions!
I met dozens of married couples, foreigners or Christians, who did not accept a man, a man in the sense of the word, to neglect his honor or his rights to his wife and children, as well as his family. as much as you have a daughter. The freedom you have learned from a deviant woman has nothing to do with the true freedom we understand and live without compromise and without falling into a quagmire of abnormal bad or deviations from behavior, even from those who consume alcohol in your country. ), We have not seen from him what to denigrate or degrade his manhood unless it is a "sugar between" punishable by law.
All Arab families living in America and Europe are religiously committed "whatever their religion" and morally, to the point of forming semi-closed societies that have the same Arab customs and traditions. But you have taken the worst of the West, and that is your choice. You must blame the same diseases as Western societies in closed Arab societies!
I did not imagine but you appreciated what you were doing. And when you described yourself as a "cheese", I was frank for the first time in my life without falsifying or highlighting crimes committed by moral crimes. If I was your place of reserve in the first plane after leaving the hospital and leaving my children .. I gave up everything I have in exchange, I am next from them, although it is clear not to retreat from the path that they have chosen.
Go to your wife without fear of "losing only boys", and offer every possible sacrifice to be by their side, do not regret the wealth, which may lose half of the divorce under US law .. But fear God in your children, they need a father .. a positive father who they let him not sorry to part .. The father contains them do not deceive them .. They do not repress them .. Because they are victims of conflict the crops have not produced that losses .. And I hope the time is too late and the children lost forever.

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