Bombay: North Korea continues to produce fissile material


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo acknowledged Wednesday that North Korea continued to produce fissile material six weeks after the historic summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Congress: "Yes, they continue to produce fissile material."

Last month, Trump said after the summit with Kim in Singapore that the threat of a nuclear war was out of the question. Pompeo, who was answering questions from the Senate's foreign affairs committee, said "progress" was underway and that Trump was "optimistic about North Korea's nuclear disarmament opportunities."

The US Secretary of State warned that the United States would not let the situation deteriorate: "We are engaged in patient diplomacy, but it will not last forever."

North Korea began dismantling some facilities Is this a test area for its ballistic ballistic missiles Si confirmed, a North American site badysis 38 could be a sign of a step in before after the historic summit last month between Kim and Trump, although some

Trump praised this information and said at a meeting of veterans in Kansas City, Missouri, that "news images show that North Korea has begun the dismantling of a rocket launcher and we appreciate that. "

"We had an excellent meeting with (North Korean leader) Kim (Jong-un) Webb South Korea, whose president negotiated the historic summit between Trump and Kim, described the dismantling process as step towards denuclearization

Nam Guan Pew, deputy director of the Presidential Office of National Security, said: "To do nothing." In Washington's impatience with the slowdown in nuclear disarmament in North Korea, Pompeo went to New York last week to urge the UN Security Council to maintain the sanctions.

However, China and Russia felt that North Korea should be rewarded with the possibility of relaxing sanctions, given the dialogue with the United States and its missile tests.

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