Booking trains from Upper Egypt due to a car accident at the intersection "Almrazeeq"


  Railway: reservation of a railway line in Upper Egypt following a car accident at the Al-Marazeeq intersection
Railway: accident railway in Upper Egypt at the junction of Al-Marazeeq

Al-Masry Al Masriq Masriq Masriq Al Masriq Masriq Al Masriq Al Masriq Al Masriq "Almrazeeq", rail: reservation never We hope to get the admiration of everyone and we wish to impress the company to receive all the news and share news on social networking sites Railways: booking of High Egypt Railways due to a car accident at the intersection Al-Marazeeq

A railway car loaded with sand was disturbed at the Al-Dikani terminal between Al-Marazeeq station and Mazgouna on the line Cairo-Aswan.

The Authority confirmed in a statement Monday night that the safety procedures and instructions had been immediately adopted and that the trains had been reserved until the car was removed from the runway and the knowledgeable specialists.

The TRA calls on vehicle drivers to abide by the traffic rules by crossing the railway line in order to save their lives and not to cancel train traffic.

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Source: The Egyptian Today


  mohamed shalaby

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