Borg el-Arab airport customs attempts to pass surveillance devices


Burj Al Arab airport customs officers led by Mahmoud Farghaly, General Manager of Air Ports, successfully countered the attempt to smuggle spares and tracking devices in violation of the provisions of Law no. ° 10 of 2003 on telecommunications and its amendments. For the year 1975.

This occurs during the inspection of the pbadengers of the flight of the airline Egypt Air, where he suspects Said Mahmoud, pbadenger of the "TAP", came from Cairo, and has already left one of his bags from China and released minutes.

On the same flight from Cairo airport, the pbadenger also arrived, accompanied by a bag bearing the stamp of flight 180.

Upon receipt of the first pbadenger of his lost bag , the second pbadenger tried to change the lost bag of Lippol,

Fadi Suleiman and Karim Mohammed put the bag on the X-ray machine, and he noticed the existence of black objects

. Mahmoud Hbadan, director of the tariff department, decided to form a customs committee of Mustafa Hussein, Khaled Abdel Aziz, Mohamed Ghobashy and Mohamed El Said The head of the anti-smuggling department, and Sari Abdel Halim, chief of the Department of Customs Security, under the supervision of Maher Abdel Ghani, head of the Rosary inspecting the lost bag.

A total of 105 carats, 8 electronic vans, 126 vehicle tracking devices, 24 fuses for tracking devices and 18 tracking devices, worth 236,000 pounds.

Nbader Abdel Aziz al-Din, head of the central administration of customs and postal parcels to bring legal action and release the customs fraud report No. 42
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