Causes of dry tongue, including the use of certain drugs


Dryness of the mouth occurs in some people, they suffer from some symptoms of dryness and therefore the dry tongue is an integral part of it, so the patient suffers from some signs and symptoms that suffer from the roughness of the tongue. healthhype "in detail

  Dry tongue

Causes of dryness of the tongue

The site continues to mention some of the causes of dryness of the tongue, the most important of which is that salivary glands suffer from a problem of wetting of the mouth.And imbalances in the glands cause this presentation, and this is the result of several reasons that cause dryness of the mouth and tongue together, at beginning can be considered high carbohydrate in significant amounts, as well as some types of foods that increase salt or sal The toxic food also causes this As some people find this age, this progress and this aging, the elderly are prone to this problem because with age, there are differences in the body's interactions and functions, which can cause some of these diseases. moors and affects their function and effectiveness.

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The site added a number of the most important and important causes of dry mouth, including, as well as some cases of nerve damage may suffer from this problem, and some of the diseases [57] The causes of dryness of the tongue multiple

The causes of multiple tongue dryness

The causes of dry tongue

The main cause of dry tongue is also the site, that smoking usually increases the dry tongue, drinking from it. Alcohol is the most important factor that helps to increase the severity of dryness, and diabetes is a cause of oral dryness in general.The drought of the tongue irritates the owner and has effects and results

  causes dry tongue
Causes of the drought of the tongue

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