Chaldean applause on the river theater


  Art News: Applause on the River Theater
Art News: Applause on the River Theater

Dear guests, I welcome you again and thank you for visiting the Economist website . We are trying to be very good at keeping up on our site. We are looking forward to hearing from you at Cher River Visitor's Theater, The Economic Site is a comprehensive information site which includes the latest developments on the Arab and international scene. Search the latest news From all news sites and news agencies, Art News: Hi to the River Theater, to post on our website, the radio station at River Theater, until you can follow all that is new in the news world. [Lundi 16 juillet 2018 09:46] [Yahyaal-Muttalibetal-MuttahlsurHalbawidonaconcertat20:00intheeveningatSakkiadintheprogramofSakimAbdel-MoneimandIsawyatZamalek
El Halbawy sang several of his own songs, Say to Millihah, and Dum and Mursal to Habibti. "[1L'expériencedel'hymneetdumatlalasurlaprésentationmusicaledechansonsreligieusesdansunmoulecontemporainmélangelamusiqueorientaleetoccidentaleetHalbawiaprésentéunprojettechniqueavecMaherFayezpourchanterdeschantsreligieuxetsoufirdeshymnesenplusdechanterdeschansonsetdeschantsnationauxPourlacommunauté

Thank Ali Hbadan Follow us Artistic News: Applauds the Balabawi on river scene, n & # 39; s not forget the d & # 39 pages admiration of social networking sites for the site, to receive the latest political, economic, sports and technical news of the site, Hellbeoy on the River Scene

Source: Porte Sunrise

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