Chronology of the history of "Children of the Cave" in Thailand .. 11 steps between the seat and the rescue


Two weeks ago, a 12-year-old football team and its coach, aged 11 to 16, entered a 10-kilometer cave in northern Thailand and were trapped in the city. inside the cave

. At the same time, part of the mountain collapses around him, which prevents the children from leaving and their car, and after their absence, the police report that their luggage was found at the entrance of the cave

. Countries like China, Australia, America, Japan and France send them specialized teams

4. There were three scenarios to save children:
The first was announced by the Thai army that the ability to resort to the team survival solution in the cave for four months, until the water level, failed. The second scenario, included in the rescue plans, is digging holes and holes in the cave to drain children's water, but this is not the case.

The third scenario involves teaching children to dive as a last resort. One of the Thai Navy's former divers died in an attempt to save the children

6. After obtaining the consent of the children and their families, the Thai authorities decided to start the rescue operations of the Thai Navy. children in groups.

Two divers are kept with each child and fed with a bottle of oxygen and towed after removing large amounts of water. From the inside of the cave

7. FIFA invited the children to attend the World Cup final after their departure.

8. Sunday, July 8: Thai authorities announced the success of the first rescue operation for children trapped. Of them on the day, and taken to the hospital, was waiting for a medical team to provide care, so q

9. The rescue operation involved 18 divers, including 13 foreigners , with five members of the special forces of the Thai Navy.

Eight hours later, rescue operation resumed and rescuers were rescued. The other children.

11. The third phase of the rescue operation and their trainer began on Tuesday, July 10 and Thailand announced the completion of the rescue operation in its entirety.

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