Cleaning campaign on the island of "Magawish" before receiving migratory birds


The Ministry of the Environment has launched a major clean-up campaign on the island of Magawish, one of the islands declared Red Sea Nature Reserves, where we witness in the next few days at the nesting of the migratory birds of the seagulls.

This campaign is part of Egypt's preparations for hosting the Conference on Biodiversity in November, an update of the Red Sea Protected Areas Initiative , under the title "Red Sea Islands free of plastic". Coral reefs and organisms

The Minister revealed that Egypt annually consumes 12 billion "plastic bags" and that these bags cause the death of animals and mangroves to raise awareness about the importance of protected areas and their role in preserving natural resources and biological diversity. Millions of marine organisms, including dolphins and turtles, are also a major cause of environmental destruction and death of large numbers of birds, blocking respiratory gases in fish and cause flooding in several Asian countries. [17] The director of the Red Sea Reserve, Ahmed Ghalab, said that the coral reef beaches, Majawish 'exposed to the currents and tides that were receiving the waste and sea projectiles on the Island and a number of bays, in addition to the use of divers to collect the remains of the seabed and coral reefs.

The aim of the campaign is to sensitize the different groups of the population to the importance of the cleanliness of the beaches and the bottom, underlining the importance of the preservation of the marine environment, beaches, coral reefs and dive areas. 120 members of the Red Sea Protected Areas, the Environment Department of the Governorate, the Environmental Protection Society (HEPCA) and youth volunteers from Hurghada have been transferred to the island of Magawish and have collected about 300 mobile solid waste, In addition to m A large number of diving centers have participated in cleaning the seabed around the island.

HIPCA, which includes foreign tourists, invited the residents of Hurghada, their families and friends to visit the island's cleaning initiative, By boat from the new marina. Hurghada, to provide shoes to wear on the beach and caps to protect sun heads, gloves, towels and food.

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