Collagen production techniques to get rid of wrinkles permanently


Arab News Today –

Cairo – Arabs Today

Every woman dreams of keeping her youthful skin away from wrinkles and all the signs of aging. From there, the products and techniques of reconstructing collagen in the skin have spread. This protein, because of its presence in the tissues and organs, helps to maintain a fresh and firm skin. Since collagen production decreases at an early age, leading to the cavity in the cheeks and the appearance of fine lines on the skin, the paper area under the eyes, skin experts have found ways to rebuild the collagen in the skin.

1. Laser Rehabilitation:
The laser works by piercing the skin and establishing controlled burns. This allows you to take advantage of the skin's ability to heal after wounds. The healing process leads to the production of new and healthy collagen that improves the quality of the skin texture, makes it brighter, strengthens the skin base and eliminates wrinkles.
All laser and light treatments act on heat, stimulating fibroblasts
2. Micronedingling Micronedling:
You can own a micronidling device at home. And used three times a week, in combination with serum vitamin C.
But there is a big difference between micro-organisms at home and those in private clinics. Micronidling, also known as collagen induction, causes the body's response, which results in collagen production. This treatment causes minor injuries to the skin with very small needles.
If you want to choose a micronidling or a laser to rebuild collagen, we recommend using the laser. Injuries caused by micronidings are larger than those caused by laser beams. The laser also penetrates the skin more than in the micronidification devices.
3. Microcurrent micro-current:
There are a large number of small household appliances that are used at home. These devices are effective in collagen production and increase laxity in your skin, especially if you are in your twenties, thirties and early forties. Microcarnet is the best device for those who have signs of aging at an early age. It helps the cells to function optimally.
4. Creams and Serums:
The use of creams and serums increases blood circulation, thus renewing the skin. It can also slow down the breakdown of collagen and elastin.
First, use sunscreen to prevent or reduce exposure to ultraviolet light, to prevent the synthesis of collagenase that breaks collagen.
Second, use antioxidants, such as vitamins C, B3, and E, polyphenols and flavonoids, to reduce collagen degradation.
Third, the use of retinol, to stimulate the production of collagen and elastic fibers
5. Hormone replacement:
The body loses estrogen with age . This important hormone fulfills many functions – one of which is that it prevents the reduction of collagen in the skin, and keeps your skin young. Studies have shown that local and systemic estrogen therapy can increase the collagen content of the skin. But it is important to discuss this option with your doctor to determine if it is appropriate for you.
6. Collagen Supplements:
Some studies have shown that taking collagen supplements can reduce wrinkles. But the choice of these supplements is very accurate because there is a large amount in the commercial markets does not benefit the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to buy these supplements from companies that have certificates, and test their products in terms of efficiency and safety.
Since collagen supplementation is a relatively new category, some experts doubt the expected results. Arabs today: Techniques for collagen production to get rid of wrinkles completely – you can see the original source of the following link link: The Arabs today and abandons the site of the unit is fully responsible for the news content, but the responsibility lies with the original news editor.

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