Counter-Terrorist States Challenge ICAO Decisions on Qatar's Claims


Ambbadadors of the four countries calling for counter-terrorism filed joint appeals to the International Court of Justice for court challenges in the resolution issued by the International Civil Aviation Council (ICAO) last week on questions submitted by Qatar to the Council itself. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain that the ICAO Council had no jurisdiction to consider the content of the dispute and that the Council itself had erred in rejecting the comments made against the request of Qatar.

Decisions of the Board of Directors The International Civil Aviation Organization did not address the allegations of the State of Qatar with respect to the four States, because it dealt only with the question of whether the ICAO Council had jurisdiction to consider such requests. Air security, but in fact the fundamental commitments made by the Qatari government, especially its commitment to stop supporting terrorist entities and individuals, not to interfere in the affairs of its neighbors and not to use the media controlled by the Qatari government. Fourthly, it does not agree with the decisions of the ICAO Council, which are incidentally procedural rulings requested by the International Court of Justice while waiting for the decision to be taken. a final decision is made.

This reflects the close co-operation between the four States and demonstrates the unity of their position and their determination to properly enforce the rules of international law, including the continued exercise by the four States of their sovereignty in the light of Qatar's policies which do not respect their fundamental obligations. , s, id) {
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