Create a Magnetic Wire That Can Diagnose Early Cancer


The Details of This Article The Creation of a Magnetic Wire That Can Diagnose Cancer Early

Scientists have come up with a magnetic wire that can help doctors detect cancer before they start. appearance of symptoms. Like a refrigerator magnet. "The wire, which is the length of the little finger and the density of a paper clip, will be very useful for detecting" silent killers "such as pancreatic cancer, ovaries and kidney cancer.

Experts say that such a tool could save thousands of lives by diagnosing the disease at a time when drugs are more effective.

Cells that have been separated from the tumor can freely circulate in the bloodstream and act as vital indicators of cancer, indicating the presence of the disease, but they are often rare.Therefore, finding one of these vital cells in a blood sample is often Chance. "These tumor cells are very rare if you take a sample of regular blood, "said lead author Sam Gambier, a radiologist at Stanford University in California." These tubes probably do not contain cells and a single tumor. A grain of sand in the tub so that the doctors end up saying, well, nothing there. In the study, published in the Journal of Natural Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Gambier's team described how this margin of error could be greatly reduced by using a wire containing nanoparticles designed for Adhesion to cancer cells.

The yarn was captured in experiments on pigs that are anatomically similar to humans and suffer from the same genetic defects that cause cancer, 10 to 80 times more than cells In fact, 500 to 5,000 cancer cells were harvested more than normal blood samples, and the wire was placed in the vein near the ear of the pig, then removed from the cells and stripped for badysis. The tumor cells were magnetized with nanoparticles containing antibodies.The cell carried the little magnet around it.When it pbades through the wire, it is forced by the magnetic force to withdraw from it. its normal course in the bloodstream and adhere to the threads According to Dr. Gambier's study published by Nature Medical Engineering, the new method is up to 80 times more effective than routine tests [19659006] We thank you, the Arab visitors today, for browsing our website. If you have any questions about this news, create a magnetic thread that can diagnose cancer at the beginning.S & # 39; please let us know or leave a comment below.
Source: Lifestyle

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