Crush and obesity enemies of fertility and normal life


Dr. Rami Helmy, obesity, endoscopy and beauty consultant, said that men suffering from obesity have marital health problems: Topical obesity is the most embarrbading for many people. men, most concentrating their fat on the abdomen, shoulders and legs. Dr. Rami Helmy said that young people who suffer from excessive obesity in the rumen have a low amount of sperm compared to healthy young people and that there is a link between obesity and the low quality sperm.

Helmi adds that the accumulation of fat It affects human life in all its aspects: in addition to the psychological stress due to its external appearance, lack of activity and feeling of exhaustion caused by the weakest motor effort, it damages a lot of organs, especially the heart. Hilmi pointed out that obesity causes the reduction of fertility hormones in women, which affects ovulation.Studies have revealed that high levels of insulin in the blood causes weakness in the body. Ovulation and thus the irregular menstrual cycle and delayed pregnancy

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