Damage caused by lemon juice to tooth enamel


News: lemon juice damage on dental enamel, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction by our website news website, which is an information site has been established in 2016 to provide news news on the Arab arena And the international many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News News website, damage the lemon juice on tooth enamel,

Friday July 20, 2018 1:07 News News Have you ever wondered if lemon can affect the health of your teeth, many people drink lemon and hot water in the morning to disinfect, detox and stimulate the digestive system as well as the process of weight loss, Like others eat lemon slices or drink lemon water all day for similar purposes, then the benefits of lemon are: To erode your enamel teeth, let us know more about the lemon Lemon water And the health of your teeth.

Lemon juice affects tooth enamel:
Diluted lemon juice is acidic enough to erode your enamel teeth, however, the diluted lemon juice resulting from l? drinking water with one or two slices of lemon will have little effect on enamel. But if you continue to drink lemon throughout the day, the effect will be strong enough to damage your teeth.

Cranberries, grapefruit, oranges and pineapples are also acidic.

How to reduce the risk of eating enamel:
1_ Do not clean your teeth after drinking lemon juice shortly
2_ Use a toothbrush and a mild toothpaste
3_ Prefer to drink juice with lemon slices.

Some other foods that damage the wearing of the tooth:
1_ Pickle:
This is a mixture of vegetables, vinegar and other acids, which is the 39, one of the main reasons for the erosion of the dental port.

2_ Coffee:
Coffee contains tannic acids that cause erosion of enamel and staining of teeth. You can reduce these effects by reducing coffee consumption.

3_ Tomato:
is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. But this is not the best for your teeth, tomatoes are very acidic.

4_ Soda:
Soda ash is an enemy known to public health, but when it comes to teeth, studies have shown that sugar, acid and carbonate contribute to the Erosion and erosion of consumer teeth.

5_ Dessert:
A lot of sugar is dangerous for teeth, juices and pieces of bacteria feed on candies while acids and hard candies can give a lot of sugar and acids to destroy them. teeth.

6_ Dried Fruits:
Dehydrated fruits are considered to be in good taste, but they adhere to your teeth, releasing their catastrophic spells and nourishing the destructive bacteria of the teeth.

How to Care for Dental Wear:
1_Using a Brush with Fluoride Toothpaste:
It is known that fluoride resists acidity and that it is supposed to restore enamel and prevent further losses and reverse reflection. .

2_ gargling with oral fluoride mouthwash:
Some people think that fluoride toothpaste is very hard. If you are one of them, you can use a fluoride mouthwash to enjoy the benefits of fluoride in restoring and stopping and prevent the loss of enamel.

3_ Be careful with your diet:
You can restore your teeth naturally through the diet, including the following foods, such as vitamin D and calcium supplements, healthy fats like l coconut oil and butter.

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