DAR Emarat – an insecticide that "spreads" cancer in America!


Five thousand US citizens sued a company for producing chemicals used in pesticides because of the risk to their health products.

"Business Inside" reported that the lawsuit was filed against Monsanto Co, the producer of Roundup insecticide, used against plant pests, which leads to malignant tumors.

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400 cases contain confirmations that the insecticide causes the emergence of lymphoma.

According to experts, glyphosate, which is part of Roundup, is one of the most toxic pesticides and causes cancer.

It is noteworthy that the United States Environmental Protection Agency confirmed, in 2017, after two years of scientific research, that glyphosate is a safe and usable insecticide used to treat agricultural crops, knowing that WHO had included glyphosate in substances harmful to human health.

However, the management of Monsanto Co believes that there is no relationship between the spread of cancer and its pesticide formulations, Through 800 different studies

The company has Purpose of defending itself in court to prove its innocence, but the loss of the lawsuit will cost several billion dollars.

Source: Live.

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