Dawn Gate: Urgent Statement of the Result of the Secondary Azhar 2018 by Name and Seat Number


The Fajr website offers the service of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 | Day 7 | Home | مصراوي | فيتو | نيتجتك | Shaoming the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 | Today, 15-7-2018 Al-Azhar electronic portal following the number of secondary seat Azhar 2018 The seventh day Result Masrawy Shaoming Home Result of the secondary Azhar 2018, following the secondary certificate Azhar 2018 The link of the query on the results of the secondary Azhar 2018 The appearance of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 No. Sit Site Ministry of Education Declaration of the secondary result 2018.

Educational site – Al-Azhar electronic portal 2018 , Secondary School of Education, Sohag Governorate, Directorate of Education, Sohag, Education Portal, Al-Azhar Secondary School, Al-Azhar Secondary Examinations, Exam Calendar, Calendar of 2018 exams, 2013 Secondary Schedule, Ministry of Education, 2018 Yazir High School Results, secondary school results, secondary school results, secondary school results, school results secondary schools, secondary school results, secondary school results, secondary school results, Azhar high school results, secondary school results

where the high school result and the result of the secondary Azhar 2018, and the date of the emergence of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 through the Ministry of Education, the site of Azhar Education, the education portal Azhar Education www.azhar.eg/education as well as the announcement of the result of the secondary 20 1801 by name and number of places, and the link between the appearance of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 on behalf of the student as well as the secondary secondary links al-Azhar for 2018 and the names of the first secondary al-Azhar 2018 in Egypt

. Al-Azhari free and exclusive appearance of the Al-Azhar 2018 secondary result by name now the result of the secondary Al-Azhar 2018 by name and number of sitting Day 7 – Your result – Masrawy 2018 high school result by name and number sitting – the seventh day when you can get the result of the Secondary Azhar 2018

Al-Azhar Secondary High 2018, where he got the first place in the Republic Abdullah Mohammed Al-Shahat Mesbah, a student at the Institute of Mohammed Rajab Kom Bsgin, Gharbia Azhar, who received a total score of 650 percentage points 100%, and the first repeater Mohammed Hossam Hbadan Hafez Al-Basha, student at the Sabek Institute Sunday, Monofiya Azhir area, who received a total of 650 degrees 100%, and Hajar Mahmoud Yousef Al-Sayed, in the region of Dakahlia Azhar, where (19659004) and the literary section of the first place was obtained by Noa Bbadem Abdelkader Mohammed, student at Sixth Ar a Model Institute, Cairo Azhar region, which obtained a total score of 624% 99.05%. (19659004) The date of the appearance of the high school result

Dr. Abbas Shoman, who is a member of the Institute of Islamic Studies, Deputy Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, he will be announced the results of the secondary Azhar and Shasha start "The high success rates this year compared to previous years, as well as the increase in the number of the first."

Azhar secondary high schools ended with the identification of the first at the level of the Republic, Civil servants, because of the large number of people with high marks, and the lack of differences in the grades.

A source familiar with the ministry, as the differences between the first degrees to half a degree, especially in science and mathematics. The result of the secondary al-Azhar 2018 where he told Mr. Ast Dr. Saleh Abbas Shoman, Deputy Secretary of Al-Azhar University and Head of Sector Azhar Institutes, announced that the results of the Certificate of The Azhar Secondary School will be announced on Sunday, July 15, 2018. The results will also be announced at a conference. A press conference will be held on Sunday at 11:00 and the names of the first students will be announced at this conference. press.

Secondary 2018 results will be included in the journal. Secondary accreditation, indicating this 2018 secondary outcome in all governorates will be available on the official website results of the Al-Azhar Educational Portal, and everyone can get the results of the secondary school of 39; Al-Azhar 2018 with the number of seats immediately after the appearance of school results. Finalize all the final arrangements and steps for the Azhar Secondary Certificate results to be announced as soon as possible: Work on the final reviews, completion of the results monitoring, The first of the high school students Azhar

Many seeks the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 seated Azhari education portal student results by the name of the electronic portal services, and shall appear as a result of the secondary certificate through the Egyptian Ministry of Education and the secondary door Azhar 2018 immediately after the adoption of the result


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