"Delegates" refers a number of bills to specific committees to study them


Published on:
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 12:52
| Last update:
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 12:52

The House of Representatives has mentioned a number of bills, in addition to a loan agreement between Egypt and the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The House of Representatives pbaded a resolution of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt from 2018 on the approval of the loan agreement for the development of the health system in Egypt between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in the amount of $ 530 million, signed in Cairo on July 10, 2018 Economic Affairs

A government-sponsored bill authorizing the Minister of Finance to guarantee the construction and development holding company to settle the dispute between Omar Effendi and the International Finance Corporation before a joint committee of the Committee on Planning and Budget and the Bureau of the Committee on Economic Affairs. The Government has transferred a percentage of fund balances, special accounts and surpluses to the Consolidated Revenue Fund to a Joint Committee of the Planning and Budget Committee and the Bureau of the Economic Affairs Committee

The Council has also adopted a draft of law presented by Rasha Abdel Fattah Ramadan. The National Family Council was established by a joint committee of the Committee on Social Solidarity, Family and Disabled Persons and the Bureau of the Planning and Budget Committee

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