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<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "Bacterial vaginitis is the complication the most common caused by bacteria The bad may contain good bacteria or antennae,

Bacterial infection of the bad
BV bacterial infection is the most common badl infection in women between 15 and 44 years old. It is also one of the most common infections in pregnant women, the It affects nearly 1 million pregnant women each year, usually a mild illness and can be easily treated with drugs, when 39; it is not treated, but the infection may increase the risk of badually transmitted diseases and complications during pregnancy.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginitis
When symptoms occur, you can have abnormal badl discharge and smelly, and secretions are usually thin and pale in gray or white and, in some cases, may also have a fishy smell often What is produced by the chemicals that are produced by bacteria that cause BV, such as menstruation and intercourse? Sexual intercourse usually aggravates the odor, as blood and sperm interact with bacteria to release chemicals and their odors, and can cause itching or irritation around the bad

What are the causes of bacterial infection?
BV Bacterial Inflammation is the result of the excessive number of bacteria in the bad, and can occur in other parts of the body, including the mouth and intestines, and there are different types of bacteria that live in the bad. Other that can cause the disease, these infectious bacteria are known as anaerobic There is usually a natural balance between the different types of bacteria, and usually the scientific bacteria account for the majority of the bacteria in the bad and can control the growth of the bacteria. anaerobic, but if the number of scientific bacteria decreases, there is a chance for anaerobic bacteria to grow. They do not know the exact cause of the bacterial imbalance that triggers bacterial bacteria, but some factors can increase the risk of infection.

Risk of infection
– Lack of hygiene and personal care
– unprotected bad.
– The presence of multiple badual partners.
– Use
– Use of Vaginal Drugs

How is Bacterial Vaginosis Treated?
BV is often treated with antibiotics and can be treated with the ingestion of certain medications, as well as some creams that are inserted into the bad, and the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.Once treatment is received , BV usually ends only within two or three days.However, treatment usually lasts at least a week, and should not stop Your medications Your doctor tells you, and it is important that you take a full course

Potential Complications of Vaginal Bacteria
BV When it is not treated, it can lead to serious complications, including in pregnant women, Pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis are more likely to be treated. being exposed to preterm or low birth weight babies and are more likely to develop another type of infection after birth.

BV increases the risk of badually transmitted infections, including the herpes simplex virus Bronchitis, HIV and, in some cases, pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to bad infection in the women, which increases the risk of infertility.

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