Develop a new drug that treats hair loss and hair loss


US researchers have developed experimental drugs to treat hair loss, white hair, and cutaneous damage due to the fat diet .

The study was conducted by researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, (19659002). The researchers explained that diets high in fat and cholesterol increase the chances of hair color change from black to gray and white, and can cause mbadive hair loss and dermatitis appearing on multiple wounds .

For active discovery The new drug, 19659002 (D-PDMP) was studied by a group of mice that divided it into two groups, the first dealing with high-fat foods and cholesterol and the second one consuming his usual food . In comparison to standard foods, 75 percent of mice that ate a diet high in fat and cholesterol suffered from hair loss, white hair and multiple lesions and skin lesions

The team treated the infected mice, using the new drug, He was able to stop the production of certain fats called glycosyngolates (GSL) a mac

Dr. Subaru Chatterjee, head of the research team, said that it was necessary to continue research on the new drug, but the results of the study showed that it was necessary to continue research on the new drug. (19659002)

Chatterjee added, "We hope to be able to treat baldness and hair growth faster and more effectively than what is happening now." In addition to the speed of healing The results of the study show that a diet high in fat and cholesterol causes hair loss and white hair, as well as dermatitis in the mice. A similar process occurs in men who lose their hair and go white by eating fats and cholesterol. .

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