Discover why breast cancer develops Discover why breast cancer develops Monday 23.07.2018 05:53


An international team of scientists has discovered a new protein complex that rebuilds damaged DNA, and in case of mutation, bad cancer cells resist chemotherapy based on PARP inhibitors.

According to the Medical Express website, scientists investigated bad cancer cells in which mutations occurred in the BRCA1 gene and used CrysperCase 9 to detect the genes responsible for the resistance of malignant tumors to the bad. olaparib and talaoparib

PARP, which inhibits the activity of polymerases -poly (ADP-ribose), a DNA repair system used by cancer cells to prevent death, in which case the method usual repair of the DNA is damaged.

The efficacy of PARP inhibitors has been shown to be mutated in the case of gene mutations encoding the SHLD1, SHLD2 and SHLD3 proteins, which form a complex badociated with DNA termini directly damaged. Chemotherapy aimed at inhibiting polymerase-poly (ADP-ribose).

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Discover the cause of bad cancer development
Monday 23.07.2018 17:53 Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news permanently.
Source: Arab Yemen

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