Diseases are more likely to affect women than men


"The difference between the nature of the woman's body and that of the man and the changes in her life are among the most important reasons for her illness among men," he said.

What are these diseases and what are the changes related to them? That is what we will learn today.

Diseases are more likely to affect women than men

There is no doubt that women undergo radical changes in their body and structure, from puberty to menopause, and that these changes play a rare role in some of the more menopausal diseases that affect men. Among these diseases:

Arthritis and osteoporosis:

This affects women more than men because of the hormonal changes they undergo in many stages of life, from menses to pregnancy and pregnancy, to menopause and menopause, causing a the pelvic area and pressure on the joints and bones.

These diseases are particularly acute in women who are struggling and continue at home to begin gradually weakening the bones.

This also increases the risk of osteoporosis in women who neglect their health and lack of access to calcium and vitamin D in the proportions that the body needs. Wearing high heels for a long time causes joint and bone problems, especially on the back.


According to studies, migraine affects three women in return for each man, which can be due to many tasks performed by the mother at home or at work and increase tension and anxiety.

Women can have migraines any time of the day, but they increase in the morning.

• Sclerosis:

Women have a higher incidence of MS than men, a chronic disease caused by a defect in the immune system and its functions.

MS causes many complications, such as sensory disturbances, visual problems and imbalances, and affects the brain in terms of poor concentration and low perception.

Thyroid disorders:

It is one of the most hormonal disorders affecting women, including hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Women are also more likely to develop thyroid cancer following exposure to radiation, especially the head and neck area.

• toenail:

The result of wearing high heels and narrow shoes for a long time in addition to frequent weight gain and weight gain.

• depression:

Women are more likely than men to develop depression because of their emotional nature and excessive sensitivity, which can also increase due to hormonal changes, whether during menstruation, during pregnancy or after birth, as well as than during menopause.

• Back pain and paragraphs:

The main cause of this type of pain is pregnancy, delivery, wearing high shoes and standing, in addition to weight gain.

• Incontinence:

It is a disease that affects women more than men because of pregnancy and weakness of the pelvic muscles, which causes pressure on the bladder and makes it difficult for women to control their urine.

Recurrent urinary tract infections in women can lead to incontinence, as well as other diseases such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and menopausal muscle relaxants.

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