Do you feel safe? | the Egyptian today


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If you are an Egyptian and read this title, it is highly likely that your direct answer is yes! Do not be surprised, I am talking here about the general average, and not about you, especially, dear reader. That's at least what the latest Gallup poll, the most popular in the world, tells us.

The survey measures the meaning of law and order around the world. It faces a sample of citizens with questions such as: Do you trust the police in the city or in the region where you live? Do you feel safe walking alone in the city or area where you live? Have you stolen money or property in the past 12 months or have you been attacked or robbed?

Venezuela is at the bottom of the list. Only 17% of citizens feel safe at night. Only 24% trust the police. It's a good surprise that Egypt ranks 16th out of 142 countries. Maybe this result is what many of us feel. But the census does not lie. And the reality on the other hand is that we rarely see things from a global point of view.

Some of the news I've been through in recent days has been quickly recovered: road crashes in India are harvesting 70,000 people under 35 years of age. The war on drugs in Mexico killed 29,000 people last year. Oh shit! .. They look like the loss of rough wars. I do not say "we are better than others". But I say: we see almost nothing but ourselves, so we know nothing about "others"!

Public safety issues, law enforcement in our country is almost familiar to all of us. But, from a statistical point of view, this seems better than our general impression (and here I call the publication of criminal security statistics and crime rates available to specialists and opinions).

Five years ago. I remind the reader that things have happened in our country to an unprecedented decline curve in 2012 and 2013. In this period, incidents of defamation of general law and law enforcement in the hands of the law have been clearly marked. The situation has improved somewhat and the most serious incidents of civil violence have decreased or decreased.
I come back to the question in the title of the article: do you feel safe? The Gallup poll measures security for crime and violence. Whether we feel safe or not, this narrow meaning is beyond its importance.

We are not afraid only to walk at night or steal our car. I claim that what Egyptians are afraid of today is the future. The Egyptian middle clbad is very concerned about the future and the burdens that it can bear. The biggest fear of the middle clbad has always been falling into a lower range. This fear has become more obvious to his children than ever before in a volatile and volatile economic climate. In this also the Egyptians are not alone!

This "economic fear" – so to speak – strikes the world with unprecedented cruelty. The big blocks around the world have become preoccupied with fixed jobs and their share of economic growth and the fate of their children. This fear is the reason for the stormy changes we are witnessing at the cosmic level. At the top of these changes is the rise of the right wing led by Trump.

Conclusion: If you feel a little safer, the situation is better. If you are afraid of what the next day can bring, you are not alone.
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