Doha announces negotiations with Washington to turn "several" into a permanent base


Doha says it considers with the United States the transformation of the air base, "the largest", the largest American of the region, into a permanent base in the emirate

The movement intervenes more d & A year after the outbreak of the diplomatic crisis in the Middle East between Qatar, on the one hand, and Saudi Arabia and its allies, on the other hand, accusing Doha of supporting the "terrorism".

The agency is currently working with its US strategic ally, ALA the roadmap for the future bilateral relations between the two countries, including the annexation of the air base from the list of permanent military bases of the United States. He also announced the launch of a new Al-Qaeda expansion project based on the construction of "barracks and service buildings to support joint security efforts, as well as to improve the quality of life of the troops residing on the air base. "

The planes that strike an extremist organization and other extremist organizations in the countries of the region, including Syria and Iraq. Al-Qaeda was founded in 2005 as the United States sought an alternative base in the region after the Saudis asked them to leave the kingdom after the September 11, 2011 attacks.

Al-Qadeer offers protection against hostilities in the region. And make it a permanent base that reinforces its importance and the importance of its presence in the small emirate. Qatar also has a second US base, the Sailiya, used by the US Central Command to prepare for military operations.

Qatar's relations with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have been cut since June 5, 2017, to the emirate with the support of "terrorism", which that denies Doha. Qatar has previously accused boycotted countries of working to change its regime.

With the contribution of: AFP

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