DOT Emarat – Common Causes of Urine in Women and How to Prevent


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "Frequent urination is the # 39, one of the conditions affecting some women, and this results from some different problems or is not a cause for concern

Frequent urination is the urge to urinate more than usual, when the patient feels the sudden desire to enter the void, which can lead to a loss of bladder control, and you may feel uncomfortable.The pain, like fullness, is also called bladder hyperplasia

Causes of frequent urination

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common cause of frequent urination, and this occurs when bacteria enter the bladder through the bladder. Urethra, and about 50 to 60% of women will suffer from urinary tract infection, and a third of females my suffer from this disease once before the age of 24, requiring antibiotics, and more women risk of urinary tract infection in men because they are shorter in the urethra , causing the accumulation of bacteria.

Bladder Hyperactivity [1965900] 8] Bladder hyperplasia is another common cause of urination: according to UCLA, 33 million people in the world suffer from overactive bladder, which which affects 40% of women. Symptoms that can lead to urination due to excessive bladder activity, including common symptoms urinary urgency or sudden urge to urinate, as well as a number of "urinary problems". other symptoms, including dysfunction of muscles, nerves and tissues As well as multiple sclerosis, as well as estrogen deficiency, and other reasons may include bladder, diabetes, cystitis Interstitial and weak pelvic floor muscles, as well as alcohol consumption, which irritates the walls of the bladder and can worsen the symptoms of frequent urination.

Preventive Measures 19659011] – You can take certain steps to reduce frequent urination, and you can also avoid certain foods and beverages as night approaches, including alcohol, juice citrus fruits, coffee, tea and other foods and drinks containing caffeine, as well as eating tomatoes and their products, as well as eating sugars only This can also contribute to the excessive urination of bladder pressure, and even increase the amount of fiber to maintain the regular movement of the intestine.

You can talk to your doctor about the correct way to do pelvic exercises, which can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and the patient can ask your doctor for physical therapy that targets your pelvic muscles, and then it is possible to rely on drugs and medications that respond to this situation.

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