Drug Discovery Extends Life and Eliminates Aging Cells



  Drug discovery prolongs age and eliminates aging cells


The American journal Nature Medicine published an article for the benefit of microbiologists, according to which they tested a drug on test mice selectively selecting aging cells.

According to biologist Felipe Sierra of the Bethesda National Institute of Aging, the American study of rats with sinolitet showed astonishing results and extended by a third the lifespan of mice, the next step being sure that the components of the drug are safe for humans.

Research shows that from a purely scientific point of view, embryonic stem cells and embryonic stem cells can live indefinitely, and when an appropriate environment can be divided to infinity, the cells lose capacity V

Two years ago, US biologists injected these drugs into laboratory mice and discovered that rats had eliminated many of the symptoms of aging, including muscular dystrophy, and scientists then attempted to obtain a similar result.

Another experiment was carried out on mice presenting the first physical signs of aging: a mixture of two substances, the first called dasatib, a component of leukemia, and quercetin, the bitter taste of onions and red plant dyes. . He replied The experiments also showed that the use of light doses of these drugs had a clear impact on rodent retention on youth and vitality, so American scientists looked at what could happen if this mixture, What they called "cenolithic" The "solvent aging" in the rat's body showed that the mixture helps older rodents to live more than 36% of their age, indicating that the "aging solvent" is eliminating not only the signs of aging but prolongs life

The ingredients of the mixture "aging solvent" used in medicine as dyes and food additives, it is full of hope that it should be used successfully in medical applications without being overvalued.


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