Due to cheating vaccines against dog diseases. Chinese calls to investigate the industry


Beijing – d

Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 10:52 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 10:52 pm

Chinese Premier Lee Keqiang called on the influential State Council to conduct an investigation into the vaccine industry in the country amid calls for greater regulation of the sector as a result of a major scandal. A week after it was discovered that regulators had conducted an investigation with Changchun Changxing Biopharmaceutical Co. for falsifying records and failed production standards for rabies vaccines, according to official media reports.

According to the official media, Changchun Changchang is the second largest Rabies vaccine producers in China

Lee reported that the vaccine production company had exceeded the threshold of "moral values". "And that the situation must be clearly explained to the" whole country ", calling on the State Council to" conduct a full investigation of the entire series of work on the production and sale of vaccines. "

The administration announced Sunday that it had canceled its production license after a popular cry, and that the rabies vaccine had been withdrawn.

[2] Continued These reports, China Daily and Global Times today called for a "According to the China Daily, Changchun Changxing was fined last year for falsifying the results of his vaccines against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus

. That the vaccine scandal is the latest in China, where ongoing problems on the quality control and counterfeit products at the industry level, from milk powder to electronic devices.

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