Eating fast food will cause the development of asthma


Chinese study: eat fast food will cause Asthma Asthma News, citing the morning of the Arabian published a study: Chinese eat fast food will cause the development of asthma, a Chinese study: eating fast food will cause the development of asthma.

A study conducted by scientists from the University of Sichuan (China) found that regular intake of fast food could become a cause of asthma.

Scientists came to these results after badyzing 16 studies on the possibility of asthma on the back of ready-to-use fast food sold in stalls or semi-finished stores sold in stores .

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The appetite for foods requiring only heating increases the risk of asthma.

"People who eat fast foods up to three times a week suffer from severe asthma attacks more than four times a year," say the scientists.

Scientists have pointed out that fast meals do not contain enough nutrients needed for the body compared to fruits and vegetables. The chronic shortage of vitamins and minerals in fast food eaters causes respiratory infections and is therefore more likely to develop asthma.

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Source: Arab morning