"Education" decides to review the documents of the response of students assigned to schools of excellence


The Minister of Education and Technical Education, Ahmad Khairi, said that Tarek Shawqi, Minister of Education and Technical Education, has approved the proposal submitted by the Executive Committee of Schools of Excellence in Science and Technology. This is in the interest of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education to realize the benefit of its high school students of excellence in science and technology (STEM) and in the light results of the Executive Committee Meeting of Schools of Excellence in Science and Technology. "Given the low success rate, the STEM Schools Executive Committee asked the National Center for Examination and Assessment of Education to consider the exam questions" said Dr. Reza Said Hijazi, head of the public education sector and responsible for the review. According to the specifications, the Center's report concludes that all examinations are in accordance with the standards.

Hijazi points out that general directors of development topics were also instructed to check the accuracy of the electronic badessment of documents to meet the students. Students affected by their findings should travel quickly to the headquarters of the Cairo branch and system committee of Sayeda Zeinab's Sunni Girls' Secondary School – Cairo to discuss their grievances. 19659005] (function () {
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