Egypt: Hayatou and former Secretary of State Al-Kaf fined a billion pounds

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Hayatou protested in a statement to Agence France-Presse, copying the verdict, saying that the case "was made from the outset according to a political agenda and for the benefit of some people" and confirmed his intention to appeal the verdict.

The court handed down its decision Tuesday against former officials "For violation of the law on the protection of competition in terms of abuse of dominant position of the Union in the manner and system of The granting of broadcasting rights relating to the football championships, which alone has the right to commercial exploitation ".

In January 2017, the competition protection body was asked to send former officials to a criminal trial under the charge head "The exploitation of exclusive rights of sponsorship for the championships and broadcasting rights of the African continent, and their direct and continuous award to a single company (Lagardaire Sports), which obtained this right in accordance with the contract ending in September 2016, "Stressing that" This company has been renewed again , before the expiry date of the contract and for another period up to 2028. ".

The agency explained that the renewal had taken place despite his attempt "Since 2010 and June 2016, addressing the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and the Egyptian Football Federation, to coordinate with the 39 Authority for the Protection of Competition in Reviving the Rights of Commercialization and Broadcasting of Sports Competitions in Africa, to ensure consistency with the law and to protect competition The rights of the Egyptian viewer, which has not received any response or response from all parties ".

The reports indicated at the time the company "The presentation" The Egyptians wanted to get the broadcast rights of African competitions.

In early 2017, the African Union reacted to accusations by the Egyptian body that "Its executive committee, after evaluating various introductory offers and in strict compliance with the contractual conditions in force, decided to renew the contract with Lagardier. "

Hayatou, who badumed the presidency of the African Union for nearly three decades before losing last year's elections against Ahmad Ahmed of Madagascar, said he and Al-Amrani "To appeal this judgment "And that" reserves the right to refer the case to any competent international tribunal ".

Hayatou expressed surprise that the court's decision punished him and punished Omarani "With the exoneration of any responsibility of the African Union, although the Egyptian law" That individuals and the body in which they work " They bear the responsibility of solidarity ".


Hayatou protested in a statement at Agence France-Presse, where he received a copy of the verdict, saying the case "had been judged from the beginning in accordance with the political agenda and for the benefit of some people, "and confirmed his intention to appeal the verdict.

The court on Tuesday pronounced its decision against former officials for "violation of the law on the protection of competition in terms of abuse of dominant position of the ruling body in the method and system of granting broadcasting rights related to the football championships, which alone has the right to commercial exploitation ".

In January 2017, the competition protection body was asked to bring former officials to justice for "exploiting the exclusivity of the exclusive sponsorship rights of the championships of the African continent and broadcast rights and their give a direct and continuous access to a single company (Lagardaire Sports) This right, in accordance with the contract ending in September 2016, "stating that" the company was renewed in this sense, before the date of expiry of the contract and for a new period until 2028.

He explained that the renewal took place despite his attempt "since 2010 and then June 2016" to address the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and the Egyptian Football Federation to coordinate their efforts with those of the # 39; Competition Protection Authority to revive the rights of sports competitions in Africa. In order to ensure compliance with the law, protect the competition and protect the rights of the Egyptian football spectator, who has received no response from the aircraft nor from all parties . "

It was reported at the time that Egyptian society "Byzantium" was interested in obtaining the broadcast rights of African competitions.

In early 2017, the African Union reacted to the accusations of the Egyptian agency that "its executive committee, after having evaluated the various offers submitted and in strict compliance with the contractual conditions in force, agreed to renew the contract with Lagardier ".

Hayatou, who badumed the presidency of the African Union for nearly three decades before losing last year's election against Ahmed Ahmed of Madagascar, said he and Al-Amrani would "do appeal this verdict "and that he" reserved the right to refer the case to any international tribunal "Competent".

Hayatou expressed surprise that the court's decision punished him, as well as Mr. Omarani "with the exoneration of any responsibility of the African Union, although Egyptian law" states that individuals and the organization in which they work "bear the responsibility for solidarity".

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