Egypt must be supported in the fight against terrorism


MP Meligy Fattouh, member of the National Defense and National Security Committee, said that Egypt is the first authority in the world to fight terrorism, violence, and sacrifices to achieve peace in the country.

The MP pointed out that the proponents of hate speech, the enemies of peace and launching poisoned arrows against peace, stressing that Egypt embraces peace and eradicates terrorism and stands in front of what is upsetting

At its participation in the meeting of the working group of the International Alliance against the terrorist organization Da'd ash, Egypt demanded the establishment of 39, a code of conduct or guidelines to combat the hate speech that prevails in the different satellite channels. Do not allow promoters of hatred and violence to hide behind the curtain of freedom of opinion and expression, and to establish clear parameters and controls to eliminate any ambiguity between the vocabulary of hate and violence and the principle of freedom of opinion.
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