Egypt News Veterinary Syndicate's address to colleges to enable communication with new graduates and the Youth Committee


We review the most important and the latest news in the following article:

of the seventh-day site, Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Dr. Mohammed Ashraf, member of the General Union of Veterinarians, Rapporteur of the Youth Committee, For the deans of all the faculties of veterinary medicine, to inform them of the dates of residence of the graduates' concerts for 2018, in order to participate in the events of the ceremony

Ashraf explained, on the seventh day, that the purpose was to activate the communication. Veterinarians and recent graduates, to put them on the right track and find suitable jobs . General Direction of Veterinarians, 3 main committees: Social, Scientific, Complaints and Suggestions, and 29 specific committees including: Legislation, Pharmaceutical and Businesses, Housing, Youth, Resource Development, Medical Analysis, Careers, in order to serve the union members in all their specialties and support the veterinary sector in Egypt.

Finally, thank you for visiting and following the East Times We also offer you all new and important from all reliable sources of information, Veterinarians address the colleges to activate Tu Pray with new graduates and youth committee), the source is responsible for news health or not.
Source: 7th day

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