Egypt to Negotiate New World Bank Financing at Fall Meetings


Written by Safia Munir:

Published on:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 – 20:11
| Last update:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 – 20:11

• Sahar Nasr responds to the mission of the bank to discuss what was agreed with Medpoly
A source close to the Ministry of Investment revealed that Egypt will ask the World Bank to hold its fall meetings in Washington.

The Ministry of Finance said last week that the government is seeking to raise between $ 8 and $ 10 billion to fill the funding gap in the current year, including the last installment of the loan. IMF worth $ 4 billion, in addition to the issuance of international bonds The World Bank announced that it had reached an agreement with Egypt that they would receive respectively $ 8 billion from 2015 to 2019 in three tranches to finance development policies, under the partnership between Egypt and the World Bank Group According to previous statements of As' ad Al-Alam, regional director for Egypt, Yemen and Djibouti at the World Bank, the partnership with the Bank is contributing to the implementation of the National Economic Reform Program in many key sectors to reduce poverty. Common Prosperity and Growth in Many Sectors (19659006) The World Bank in Egypt currently has about 16 projects with a total commitment of US $ 6.69 billion.

Egypt received in March a billion dollars from the World Bank and received in April 500 million dollars intended to support and reform the kindergarten education sector so to increase the availability of quality education at this stage.

Minister of Investment The World Bank mission headed by Louis Chacoure, Senior Advisor to the Bank and Naga Ben Hussein, Bank Director, discussed what was agreed at the meeting with Dr. Mustapha Medbouli, Prime Minister and Minister of Housing, Public Services and Urban Communities.

The World Bank mission praised the great success of the project and the Bank contributed $ 500 million to the previous funding.

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