Egyptian News – 10 Steps To Getting Healthy Hair In Summer


Many women suffer from many hair problems because of the heat and humidity that girls experience in the summer.

During the day we do a lot of things and habits that will harm the health of the hair, but following the following tips would help us in the care of more hair.

1 – Silicon gives volume to thin hair

Fine, immature hair is a common complaint, but few women know how to deal with it.

Hair care methods, use products that contain silicone, which cover the hair with a thin layer of material and create a more complete look without the appearance of fat.

When using silicone leave on the hair even after washing.

2. Fish and nuts maintain healthy hair

The same nutrients that are beneficial to the whole body, are also beneficial for healthy and stronger hair growth.

So by eating salmon and nuts, they are high in protein and omega-3, which helps the health of the scalp. Leafy vegetables, carrots and beans are also useful in hair care methods and for strong hair building.

3 – Warm water protects hair shine

Very hot water can scour the scalp of oils that feed and are used as natural enzymes, which will lead to the disappearance of the natural luster of the hair.

This does not mean that you have to bear to bathe with cold water. Instead, use lukewarm water to wash your hair and be sure to mbadage your scalp while shampooing.

4. Proteins help treat limbs

If you often use hot hairdressing tools, such as a hair dryer or a babyliss, you damage the outer layer that protects the hair, to be finished limbs.

There are hairdressing products on the market that help repair this damage.

Look for hair care methods that contain protein, they help repair limb members. This process will only remain until the hair is washed next time, so it should be used regularly.

5. Genetically Filled Poetry

The fullness of poetry is the result of heredity and the subsequent hair care methods.

People with natural red hair have thicker hair, while blondes have more hair on their head but also the thinnest.

Fortunately, you can increase hair size regardless of the color of your natural hair.

Use dry conditioner or foam to comb and dry hair roots first.

Lower your hair while drying, to create extra volume. If your hair is too thin, use the lowest temperature for the hair dryer or any other hot tool.

6. Suffering from dandruff? Avoiding oils

Dandruff is caused by a problem with the scalp.

Mbadaging the scalp with oil can only worsen the situation.

The best solution is to use a shampoo containing a treatment for dandruff or shampoo purchased over the counter or on prescription.

Leave the shampoo for five minutes to make sure that it is absorbed into the scalp and make sure to wash it well. 7.

You might expect that a high-temperature hair dryer will save you a few minutes of routine care, but the consumer survey has verified and found that all Hair dryers Energies Dry hair at about the same pace.

8. Minimizing Hair Combing

The incredible myth that hair has to be combed 100 times a day.

Over-combing causes hair to break. Specific hair loss is normal, since most people lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, these hairs have finished their growth stage and have reached the stage of rest.

In order to maintain minimal hair loss, use a hair brush that has a small circle on the tip of the lip to protect the scalp. Never comb wet hair, and instead of using a hair brush use the comb.

9 – Beware of tight hairs

Hair and braids are a great way to show your personal style.

But if the hairstyle is too tight, it can break the hair and damage the roots.

Narrow standing hairstyles can also cause hair loss. Boil your hair every night and when making curls, make them slightly loose in the area of ​​the scalp.

10 – Protect your hair from the sun

The hair is very sensitive to the sun compared to the skin. Exposure to the sun can dry the hair, especially if they are dyed.

So, use a soft hairspray that contains sunscreen to protect you from the sun, or wear a hat when the sun gets strong.

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