Egyptian News – The former star of Zamalek: Hossam Hassan and Badri and the most appropriate teacher to train the team


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The former star of Zamalek: Hossam Hbadan and Al-Badri and the best teacher in training

Ahmed Abdel-Maqsoud, a former star of Zamalek, said that the national team had not succeeded in the World Cup, stressing that the problem of the national team of the World Cup was not to have goals.
He added to the Stad program through radio and youth sports: "I think it's more appropriate to appoint a national technical director in the current period." Nations. "
He continued," I see Hossam Hbadan and Hossam A Badri and then Hbadan Shehata, the most appropriate to lead the team in the coming period. "
And Abizaid:" L & # 39, foreign coach will not have time to change the team, the most suitable to contract with a stranger after the Nations Cup.The striker Zamalek Hossam Hbadan Al-Badri and the best teacher to train the team "We have no minimum responsibility and you can You read the news from its original site from the Masress site and you can follow a You will not be able to & # 39; To access the latest news on Lotus News by visiting "http: //www.lotus-ne "or by writing" Lotus News "in Google and you will be redirected to our site immediately, God willing.


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