Elissa ignites the summer run with "All my love for me"


  Elissa ignites the summer singing contest with
Elissa ignites the summer singing season with "Kol Elly Beyhaboni"

Elissa ignites the summer singing season with "Kol Elly Behebouni" Elissa ignites the summer run with "All my heart loves me", Elissa ignites the summer run with "All my love".

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A daring viewpoint chosen by Lebanese artist Elissa, as usual to announce the launch of her new album, featured the # 39; album on the official accounts on Instagram, accompanied by the name of the album "to all my beloved" after broadcasting the "iTunes" application to its audience. With an open chest, her hair flying in the air, while the public is jostling to applaud, in the emergence of the Lebanese artist to ignite the competition for the summer season, who should see several albums after a recession, led by the new album of Amr Diab.

Elissa collaborates on her new album with a number of poets, including Rami Gamal, Mohammad Yahya, Madin, Amir Taaima, and has selected 10 songs for her album, Arteh Wa Ayesh, and Lissa Pena. After being postponed for several weeks, after that it was planned to be put in the season of Eid al-Fitr last.

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Elissa, the founder of Elissa-El-Sherbini "src =" https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c1bcf17ecdfe87b6c7cf399060fff255?s=150&d=mm&r=g "clbad =" avatar avatar-96 photo "height = "96" width = "96" />