Environment to thwart the sale of wild birds .. and delivery to the zoo Photos


The nature protection sector successfully thwarted the sale of a fish store at the first meeting in conjunction with its police department and entrusted it to the Giza Zoo for providing care.

A complaint was lodged with the Department's Public Service Branch, stating that wild birds had been smuggled into South Africa and sold at one of the pet shops at the first rally in violation of Law No. 4 of 1994 Trafficking in Animals

As soon as the complaint was received by the Nature Protection Sector, all measures were taken and a committee was set up to visit the relevant ornamental bird shop in coordination with the police station of the first badembly making the subject of the complaint. "And" Amazon "without official documents or documents to enter the country in a legitimate way.

A record of the incident and the receipt of the Albbgbaoen were released, examined and verified for security, and cared for until their transfer to the Giza zoo.Necessary for them

Wild Bird Delivery to the Zoo

Wild Bird Delivery to the Zoo

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