Erdogan and Netanyahu. The conflict does not touch the essence of the "historical"


It began when Erdogan, in a speech to his parliamentary bloc in Ankara, called Israel "the most fascist and racist country in the world" after the Knesset pbaded a law that defines the country as "the only country in the world". national state of the Jewish people "(19659002) Erdogan said:" Hitler's mentality, which led the world to a great disaster resurfaced among some Israeli leaders

Last Thursday, the Israeli parliament approved a law which states that Israel is "the national state of the Jewish people" and that "the right to self-determination is exclusively reserved to the Jewish people", among the accusations that this law is racist towards the Arab minority living in Israel.

Turkey Dark Dictatorship

Erdogan declared that Turkey was becoming a "dark dictatorship".

In a statement: "Erdogan mbadacres Syrians and Kurds and inflicts tens of thousands of his compatriots in prisons … Turkey has become an obscure dictatorship under Erdogan, Equal to all its citizens, before and after the law. "

Netanyahu added:" The fact that the great democrat "[57]

But these apparent tensions will not, indeed, affect the strategic relations between Turkey and Israel which extends to around 60 years old. 19659002] Even when relations were weak, military and commercial cooperation between the two countries continued, with trade reaching $ 3 billion a year.

During the June presidential campaign, Erdogan pledged to freeze economic relations with Tel Aviv. Against the Palestinians.

But the opposite Erdogan, who returned to Tel Aviv after several years of vacancy, coincided with his inauguration in July 1965. Turkey and Israel have been linked to the strategic partnership agreement since 1996. L & # 39; The agreement includes various elements: information exchange, military cooperation and training.

Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel in 1949, and it remained so for many decades

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