Erekat denounces the US decision to pass a law reducing the number of refugees


Erekat denounces US decision to enact a law reducing the number of refugees

Tuesday – 18 Dhu al-Qaeda 1439 – 31 July 2018 Publication Number [

London – Ramallah: Middle East

PLO Executive Committee Secretary Saeb Erekat yesterday condemned the attempt by US Senate members to pbad a new law that recognizes only 40,000 Palestinian refugees instead of just 5.2 million.
Erakat said that this move "is unacceptable and illegal, and can not affect the status quo."
This movement, initiated by the US representative Dag Lamboran, is "an integral part of the agreement of the century, which aims to Abolish the right of Palestinian refugees and comply with the law on racial nationalism, which is the cornerstone of the suspicious agreement. "" "The Palestinians' refugee rights are protected by the UN's 194 resolution and can not be circumvented by the Congolese-American Senate in order to move beyond international law and impose their laws on the world."
The Executive Committee noted that resolution 194 provided for the creation of a World Heritage Committee. United Nations documentation, the determination of the status of Jerusalem in a permanent international order and the determination of the right of refugees to return home to restore peace in Palestine. "Erekat accused the US administration of" launching a battle against the Palestinian people in pursuit of it To cancel the right of return, referring to its previous decision to reduce its financial support to the Relief and Rescue Office United Nations work for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Erekat said that the current US administration was blindly and unprecedentedly supporting the Palestinian people, who were killed, arrested, demolished houses, appropriated land and spread its colonies, rejected by the whole world except America. "
He adds that" American action is out of international law and totally rejected. We have.
MP Dag Lambu launched Ran, to mobilize ten other members of the Senate to introduce a new bill on the aid of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), adopt a new number of Palestinian refugees administered by the Agency and determine financial aid
The bill suggests that the current population of Palestinian refugees, estimated at 5.2 millions of Palestinian refugees, receives aid from the Agency, while the actual number of refugees, according to the new bill, does not exceed 40 000.


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