Expected temperatures Monday 9 – 7-2018 in the governorates of Egypt


Meteorologists predict a slight drop in temperature on Monday to moderate the weather on the warm northern coasts on the seabed and Cairo is very hot the rest of the day in a beautiful day at night.

The visibility of the aquifer is reduced in the morning in the north of the country, as low clouds appear in the north of the country and the wind is mainly northwesterly moderate and active on the south of Sinai.

The average temperature of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea is moderate and the wavelength varies between 1.5 meters and 2 meters, with surface winds being northwesterly.

The Great Minor

Cairo 26 37

Central Delta 25 37

Notes: Damietta 25 32

Arish 22 34




Because of the temperatures expected today, the temperature is expected to reach a maximum of 29 950 425. [29,960,900]

A number of Arab and international cities and capitals are as follows:

The Great Minor

Mecca 32

The City 31


19659002] Kuwait [196] 59002]

Jerusalem 19 31

The temperatures predicted for a certain number of cities and capitals of the world are as follows:

[1] 19659002]

The Great Minor

Ankara 17 34 [196]




]] Washington 20 32



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