Expenses for amortization after new increases


Ibrahim Al-Imbabi, head of the cigarette and cigarette division of the Federation of Industries Food Industries Chamber, predicted a decrease in cigarette consumption during the next stage.

On their prices and must be implemented from Thursday.

The government announced the application of taxes for the right of health insurance on all cigarettes, and implemented both on local species produced by the Eastern Tobacco Company or foreign, which are made in the lines of society. (75%) for each pack of cigarettes for sale as of Thursday

The law states that 10% of the value of each unit sold by the pastor and tobacco must be consumed by tobacco products other than cigarettes, without explaining And on the new taxes that the Ministry of Finance intends to impose on cigarette companies – far from health insurance costs, he said that two types of taxes are applied to cigarettes variable and fixed and will therefore be taxed on Cigarettes after the addition of health insurance charges, pointing out that the price, then the package will be an increase of more than 75 piastres and can reach a pound and a pound and fifty piastres, which is the value of the tax collected from the consumer in the form of taxes, underlining that the consumer price of the company is included.

The head of the smoke department pointed out that the government represented by the Ministry of Finance aims to collect about 58.5 billion pounds of taxes on tobacco products for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, noting that 51.4 billion pounds were collected in the budget of the previous year. From cigarettes up to 83 billion cigarettes.

The government informed the cigarette companies to apply health insurance tax of 75 piastres per pack of cigarettes sold from Thursday.

The Insurance Act provides for the collection of 75 piastres of the value of each pack of cigarettes sold on the local market. These were local or foreign cigarettes, each value being increased every three years by an additional 25 piastres, up to 150 piastres.

These taxes are not limited to cigarettes, but also to "shisha" products. 10% of the value of each unit sold from tobacco products other than cigarettes.

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