Extension of the deadline for receipt of applications for the legalization of public lands in Luxor for August 20


General Hatem Zein El Abidine, Secretary General of Luxor Governorate, announced Thursday the extension of the deadline for the receipt of applications for legalization of state land, which has not paid the fees inspection and inspection before August 20, 2018, July 25, the secretary general of the province asks all citizens to quickly regularize his situation to go to the Secretariat General of the province to receive the Authorization for examination and authorization of inspection and payment of fees during this period. This will be considered a serious lack of concern for the landlord to face In a related context, hundreds of Luxor residents, who have already filed land legalization applications, continue to receive a land legalization application for the land. 39, State in the Diwan of Luxor Province, the inspection permit and inspection permit must be paid to the bank and the receipt of payment receipt to the province up to the The completion of the remaining procedures.

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